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History Hounds | Making the MexiRican City: Migration, Placemaking, and Activism in Grand Rapids

[History Hounds] Making the MexiRican City: Migration, Placemaking, and Activism in Grand Rapids with Delia Fernandez-Jones, Michigan State University

Large numbers of Latino migrants began arriving in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the 1950s. They joined a small but established Spanish-speaking community of people from Texas, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Join our presenter to learn how an interethnic Latino alliance emerged to shape activist efforts to advocate for social change, including the fight for equality in social welfare programs, policing, and education.

We'd like to thank the Historical Society of Michigan (HSM), which supports local history organizations, like us! They are continuing to make their History Hounds Lecture Series available online for free to members of HSM’s member organizations. Register for this remote presentation by 3:00pm the previous day. Click here to register. Select “A member of an Organizational Member of HSM” to enjoy this presentation at no charge.