Become a member of the Michilimackinac Historical Society

The Michilimackinac Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit and operates through store sales, grants, donations, and memberships. Your membership dollars directly fund operations, collections care, and programming. MHS does not receive continued support from local, state, or federal government entities or millage. Please consider becoming a member today to help us sustain our mission to preserve and foster a passion for the history of Upper Peninsula communities on the Straits of Mackinac through curated exhibits, educational programs, public archives, and partnerships with area artists, culture bearers, families, and organizations.

Members at the $100 Friend level or higher receive the benefit of reciprocal membership to NARM (North American Reciprocal Museum) Association, which includes free/member admission price, discounts in the shop, and discounts on ticketed events to over 800 North American museums (some restrictions may apply). Learn more about NARM, here.